Thursday, March 9, 2017

Enter to Win Our "College and Career Ready" Dream Board Contest!

"College and Career Ready"—how often do you use or hear these words as an educator? Have you ever paused to ask what "College and Career Ready" means to your students?
For students, those words should incite visions of their future: the college or university they hope to attend, the Fortune 500 company they want to work for, or perhaps the military branch in which they'd like to serve.
Let's Get Creative!
Stride™ is launching a nationwide contest that asks students to put their college and career dreams into pictures. Students will create their own "dream boards" on poster board to illustrate their future goals. Click here for details on designing a dream board!
Testing season is upon us, and we know this is a challenging time for students and teachers. Let's help students find perspective for why they continue to work hard in school and prepare for their tests—with the end goal of becoming College and Career Ready!
Contest Deadline is April 7, 2017!

How Can Your School Win?
  1. Share contest details with teachers and parents. Use this handy, printable take-home sheet.
  2. The national deadline for the contest is one month away: April 7, 2017. Set a deadline for your students to submit their dream board posters to you prior to this date. When all dream boards have been completed, find a central location in your school to take a picture(s) of your boards. You could choose to display them in a hallway, foyer or cafeteria; or have students hold them up in a group picture. 
  3. Submit pictures of your dream boards, along with a list of participating students, to no later than 5 p.m. CST on Friday, April 7, 2017. The winner will be announced the following week.
  4. The school with the best participation and most creativity will win national recognition, a beautiful plaque to display on your campus, student certificates for every participant, and other goodies from Stride and LTS Education Systems!
  5. If you plan to participate, please RSVP at the link below so we can stay in touch as your school's dream board campaign begins to take shape!
Count me in! I plan to participate.
Share Your Dreams!
Don't forget to share your school's dream boards on social media! Use hashtags: #CollegeAndCareerReady #WeAreTheFuture #DreamBoard #Stride