Monday, October 29, 2018

Seeing Quiz Results for Assigned Videos

Have you explored the "Video" menu in Stride? The idea is that you can assign videos to individual students or the entire class.

So how do you motivate students to watch the video? In addition, how can you assess whether the students understood what they watched?

When you assign the video, you will see a spot to decide how many coins to award when a student watches the video to completion. You'll also see an option to assign a quiz. The students get coins for correct answers on the quizzes just as they would with any other questions.

How can you see the results of the quizzes? That part is not as obvious. So, here's the "how to do it":
  • Select "StrideXchange" on the left-hand menu.
  • Choose "View your collection of educational resources."
  • On the left-hand menu, choose "Assigned."
  • You will see a list of the assignments. For those who have completed assignments, there will be a button to click for the results.
Video Results.JPG

If you want to look up an individual student rather than view by assignment, here is how to do that:
  • Select "StrideXchange" on the left-hand menu
  • Click "View student progress"
  • In the search window, enter the name of the student.
Search for student by name.JPG

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Top Classes for September

The start of October is a good time to look back at the last month and look ahead to PMA.

You may be wondering how your class usage on Stride compares to others. Here are the top-scoring classes for the 16 schools with whom I work in terms of questions answered for the month of September:

1. Christopher Harris 2nd grade Barrett Elementary 9,621
2. Kira Lawson-Pierce 5th Grade Central Park Elementary 8,772
3. Andrea Bobbs 3rd Grade Central Park Elementary 8,132
4. Kimetra King 1st Grade Barrett Elementary 6,171
5. Alike Johnson 4th Grade Wylam Elementary 6,107

Top scores for schools that organize by grade level:
1. Weaver High School 7th grade 9,861
2. Pleasant Valley High School 8th Grade 7,181
3. Pleasant Valley High School 7th Grade 5,453

Did you already get an email from Stride with a link to the information for your class?

If you did not, here is how to add your email address:
  1. Log into Stride
  2. Click "Reports"
  3. Click "Class Report Automation"
  4. Add the email addresses of anyone who should receive the Class Summary Report.
  5. In the "Summary reports" area, put a check in the boxes for "Weekly" and "Monthly."
  6. Click "Save."
Every Saturday, you will receive the Class Summary Report showing performance for your class over the past week.

At the end of every month, you will receive the Class Summary Report showing performance for your class over the past month.

When you log into Stride, click on the "Class Roster" tab. You will see a column telling you the status for each student om PMA. A capital letter means the student has begun that portion of PMA (reading of math). A capital letter indicates the student has completed that subject.

When you look at the list and see "MR" beside each student, your class is finished with PMA.

The sooner the class finishes, the sooner the you can run the "Class PMA Report." Here, you can tell each student his/her score as well as look what standards were strong and weak.