Monday, August 20, 2018

Progress Monitor Assessment Dates

This year, we will administer the Progress Monitoring Assessment 3 times. In previous years, PMA was done 4 times. Since schools are also required to do Scantron testing, this move removes one test from the plate of teachers and students.

You will notice that the window for each PMA is shorter than before. That being said, the best strategy has always been for a school to establish a short PMA window for itself. That way, teachers and administrators have the results quickly. They can then share those results with students and adjust instruction. A short window also means that the school is able to take advantage of Quiz Builder, the FAST Adaptive 360 engine, and other modifications to the curriculum.

You will also notice that the PMA windows are outside of the Scantron testing windows. Therefore, students will not be taking a Stride PMA and a Scantron assessments at the same time.

Here are the dates for the Stride Progress Monitoring Assessment:

  • PMA 1: October 1-Oct. 19
  • PMA 2: February 25-March 15
  • PMA 3: April 22-May 24

Here are the dates for the Scantron assessment:

  • August 6-September 28
  • December 3-February 22
  • April 8-May 3