Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Important Summer News

Included here is information on the annual "archive." Please let your students know that coins do not roll over from year to year. Encourage them to spent their coins this summer playing games.Their same login will work all summer long.

Your school will not want to opt out of the archive.

Notice that Stride will not be available for several days: August 5-8 (Friday-Monday).

Your school system will be able to put students into their classes once that archive has been completed. This means it will likely be at least several days in to the school year before the you will have students showing in your classes. 

Schools who wish to keep this year's data intact
MUST opt out by July 29.
To better serve our customers, we are rescheduling our annual data archive for ONE WEEK LATER than originally planned. Last Friday, you received an email stating the archive would take place on July 29-Aug. 1, 2016. We have moved the archive to Aug. 5-8, 2016
If you have already completed your opt-out request, no further action is needed on your part. You are successfully opted out of the archive. Please make note of the amended dates in your calendar, as Stride will be unavailable during Aug. 5-8, 2016. If you have NOT completed your opt-out request and wish to do so, continue reading for instructions.
Our annual data archive has been scheduled for this summer. Effective July 29, we plan to archive your Stride data from the 2015-16 school year, providing a clean slate in your account for the fall. We perform this archive annually for many reasons.
Why archive your student data? Here are a few benefits of archiving:
  1. Accurate Stride assessments for the 2016-17 school year – will NOT
    include data from the previous year.
  2. Accurate Stride reports for the 2016-17 school year – will NOT
    include data from the previous year.
  3. Once data is safely archived, you can still add and remove students
    from your Stride classes in the Fall, using the Archive Tool.
  4. Your class login codes and passwords will remain the same.  
  5. We will host weekly webinars in August to show you how to move students
    to the next grade or class. 
  6. Archiving only happens once a year during the annual archive, so make the
    most of this opportunity!
When does this start? The annual archive will take place on Aug. 5
(beginning at 5 p.m. CST) and last through Aug. 8, 2016
. A message will be posted on all Stride websites letting you know that the system is unavailable during those dates.   
Want to opt out? If you would prefer to NOT take part in the annual archive and preserve your Stride data, here is some information you will need to know:
  1. The archive impacts an entire school or club, not just one class. 
  2. Only individuals with administrator level access can request to
    opt out of the archive. 
  3. The KCS Code and Password for your school or club is required
    to submit this request.
  4. You will need to click on the button below to fill out the form to
    opt out of the annual archive. 
  5. You must opt out no later than July 29, 2016 at 4:00 pm CST
  6. By opting out of the annual archive, you ensure all of your 2015-16
    classes, student rosters, assessment and student performance data
    remains untouched
Our Boys & Girls Club and YMCA customers
will NOT be included in the archive.

Rest assured that your Boys & Girls Club and YMCA Member data will remain intact. However, Stride will still be unavailable from July 31 - August 3