Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Honor for Stride

Dear Friends,

As another year closes, we are reminded how grateful we are for you, our Stride partners! Because of your dedication, your students are well-positioned to make #MonumentalAchievements in 2016!
We are also humbled to announce that this month, LTS Education Systems has been honored among 300 edtech companies as one of the “20 Most Promising K12 Technology Solution Providers” by CIO Review.

CIO Review analyzed over 300 companies providing K12 solutions to select the top 20 at the forefront of tackling customer challenges. As leaders of digital learning in your school, you can relate:
“Digital learning implementation takes time, investment, effort and planning. No matter what piece of digital learning schools use, it will fail or succeed based on how serious of a commitment administrators are willing to make. Also there should be an effort to help students use the new tools in thoughtful ways,” said CIO Review Managing Editor Jeevan George.

Thank YOU for making the commitment to Stride and following through for your students!
The CIO Review K12 special edition highlights LTS and Stride for our merit in “Improving Student Achievement through Game-Based Learning.” We hope you will take the time to read and share with your colleagues this spotlight on LTS and Stride from our Founder and CEO, Brian Shulman’s, point-of-view. Click here to download the PDF.
Thank you for another great year! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


The LTS Education Systems & Stride Team