Thursday, January 5, 2017

Progress Monitoring Starts January 9

The third Progress Monitoring period begins Monday, January 9th. It runs through February 10th. Of course, no teachers should ever have to worry about when the PMA period ends. Many students will have completed PMA by the end of the first week. Progress Monitoring takes only about 30 minutes per subject to complete.

As a teacher, you can always look at the Class Roster to see who has completed PMA. A capital "M" means that student has completed PMA in math. A lower-case "m" means the student has begun the PMA. When you see "MR" (or "MRS" for grade levels that have science) up and down the page, you are finished.

At the administrative level, the default screen you see when logging in shows you the progress each class is making towards completing PMA.

A capital letter means all students have completed PMA in that subject. A lower-case letter means there is more to do. In parentheses, you see how many students are in progress followed by how many students have completed PMA in that subject. When you see all capital letters up and down the page, your school has completed progress monitoring.

When we get well into the PMA period and many students have not completed it, it tells us one thing...that class is not using the program. Since Stride automatically serves up PMA questions until PMA is complete, if a student has not completed PMA, he or she has also not done any other work in the program during school hours.

If you do not already have it on the calendar, the final PMA for this school year is March 6th through April 7th.